Techtopia: A New Life For Old Gadgets. Technology reimagined!
Techtopia is a 10 minute animated short comedy pilot that follows the Finkelstein's, a family of anthropomorphic out-dated gadgets: Fax (a fax Machine), his wife Page (a pager), their son Flip (a flip phone), and their teenage daughter Luna (a "smart" phone). They are forced out of the sprawling futuristic city of Techtopia by The Gooog Corporation and forced to move to Passé, a small suburb outside of Techtopia, where all obsolete gadgets must go to live.
Techtopia is a sleek futuristic city, where nothing is ever recycled and new technology is announced every 24 hours. Across the river is Passé, where everything is recycled. Buildings are made out of all the stuff that Techtopia discards, like food cans, plastic bottles and stacks of empty petroleum oil barrels.
Here's a very rough animatic where we meet Fax pleading for his job. And so it begins: the first tap in the domino effect of the widespread layoffs of outdated technology in Techtopia.
Cast of characters
FAX (voiced by Kevin Glikmann) is an honest, hardworking family man. He loves to help old technology find work. He runs Finklestein’s Temp Agency (FTA) where “no one’s obsolete!” FLIP is Fax’s and Page’s oldest son (voiced by Robbie Daymond). Flip couldn’t get a job out of college because he was already outdated, before he even graduated! Now he’s back living at home in the basement. He runs around with his trouble making friends Floppy (also voiced by Robbie).
FLOPPY has never had an original idea in his life. Goes along with whatever their pals Casset and GameBro do. Robbie's Website: CASSET (voiced by David Thomas) grew up in the tough part of town, the goon who brings the tunes! CRANK (voiced by Darin DePaul ), Fax’s Father. He married up in the world by hooking up with a rotary phone. He’s cranky, but chivalrous, gentile and incredibly generous with his time and talents.
Darin's Website: CUP’N’STRING (voiced by Shelby Lewis), married to Morse. Fax’s great grandmother. She’s terribly hard of hearing and always telling the kids, “Speak into the cup!”
Shelby's website: TUBES (voiced by Phil Lollar), best friends with Fax and Rolla. He’s a consummate bachelor. Always trying to date the latest hot Gooog switch.
SOPHIA LOVORI (voiced by Kirby Amitrano). Sophia is the CEO of the Gooog, a mysterious woman who is super smart, constantly developing technology and always wears some sort of elegant black outfit. There’s a rumor that she’s not even human...that Gooog has just created a spokesperson who will never go away. Kirby's website GLOBE (voiced by Jonathan Regier), a 1920’s globe with an enthusiasm for political border conflicts and the history of wars that are long over. He loves to spin to a country, dress in the native garb and speak in their accent.
Jonathan's website REEL (voiced by George Caleodis), is a detective. One of Fax’s greatest retraining employment successes. His needles can detect if someone is lying. Knows the gang, always suspects everyone’s up to something, especially when the internet starts to mysteriously slow down putting some old technologies back to work.
George's Twitter: @caleodis Citizens of Passé and Techtopia like TELLY (voiced by Katie Leigh), one of Fax's protogés, Katie's website: |
PAGE, Fax’s wife (voiced by Jeannie Elias). She wears the pants in the family. She was once the hottest thing around and still can make heads turn. She also works at FTA. Helps with the counseling and retraining department.
Jeannie also voices Fax's mother, MA'BELL, who came from money and used to the finer things. She’s appalled that the children aren’t experiencing the proper classical breeding. GAMEBRO (voiced by Brett Maline) The leader of the gang, energetic, spontaneous. Brett also voices BRAD, Luna's boyfriend. Brett's Website: LUNA (voiced by Lindsey Alena), the daughter of Fax and Page. She is spoiled. Her father can never seem to say, “No,” to her. She is under a lot of pressure, feeling that at any minute she will be outdated like her brother. She loves to shop and has hundreds of cases to fit every mood and occasion.
Lindsey's Website: MORSE (voiced by Joey D'Auria), Fax’s great grand father. He fought in the war and fell in love with “the cutest Cup and String ya ever saw.” He knows his place, understands the chain of command. Militant in his organization, his activities and his follow-through but is truly soft-hearted and gives into anything when it comes to his family.
Joey's Website: SAL (voiced by Pat Asanti), an Italian genius repairman who lives in Passé and teams up with Fax to fix and modifies their friends in Passé.
ROLLA (voiced by Jamila Chambers) She is tough, proud of all her unique qualities and loves food. She knows everyone but has no one.
Jamila Chambers' website: PAD (voiced by Rick Zieff) is Sophia’s high-strung loyal assistant along with his sidekick RACK. Rack is second in command at Gooog. He is strong, intimidating and arrogant. He’ll never go obsolete because he’s made up of other network pieces like routers, servers and disk systems.
Rick also voices BRITANNICA. Encyclopedia book, the homeless philosopher vagabond. Enthusiastic to share long histories and outdated information between the letters of L and M. Still wise and knowledgeable, everyone comes to him for research and advice. Britannica is best friends with Globe and Thomas, together commiserating about the state of the modern world. Rick's website: THOMAS (voiced by Andy Hirsch), is Globe’s Nephew. Defeatist attitude and unsure of himself, he constantly gives everyone unwanted and incorrect directions everywhere. SLIDE RULE (voiced by Loren Kling), is the mayor of Passé. A very efficient, precise man. Gets flustered easily if things don’t go as planned. Loren's website: N9 (voiced by Gabrielle Salinger), the Gooog's latest star technology, round out our cast of gadgets.
Gabrielle's website |