Inktober! an ink drawing a day for the month of October (2018)
Inktober! an ink drawing a day for the month of October (2017)
Sleepy Sloth Animation
Waldo & Waldon'ts
Ahead of His Time
#FineArtforAnimals |
Two fun collaborations between myself and pal Steve Kaufmann:
Crater Lake......enjoys Rothko retrospectives, writes and performs slam poetry. Crater Lake can spend the whole day in a locally owned and operated free-trade organic coffee house contemplating the meaning of life and our pathetic reliance on the consumer-driven market. Crater Lake subscribes to The New Yorker but refuses to read it. Most importantly, Crater Lake TOTALLY GETS YOU!
Terrorizing vineyards...leaving raisins in their wake...they are... |
JOKES FOR NERDS! A contribution to DangerRooster's template.VISUALIZING JUSTICE FOR CECIL
Minnesota dentist Walter Palmer illegally killed the beloved Cecil the lion, a favorite in the protected Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe and a tracked subject an Oxford University study. This is my answer to the atrocity. Find ways to help and more information about the Oxford study here: |